• Starting at Pease Bay Leisure Park I recommend running down through the park to the end and back again to warm the legs up. Better still, get down on the beach and run along the shore line.

  • This route incorporates the southern uplands way and the John muir way. Passes through Cove and Cockburnspath. The Dunglass estate and Bilsdean.

Point of Interest.

When you have passed Dunglass and are on your way towards Bilsden it it worth stopping on the Bilsden bridge and looking over the left hand rail where you will see the remains of a much older bridge. Now in poor repair.

Pease Bay Leisure Park, Cockburnspath, out towards Torness power station and back again.

This is a hilly route. Part road and part trail. Verry narrow in places and if doing it an a bike you will certainly have to lift the bike up and over obstacles in places. But some stunning views and very rewarding.

  • When you get to Bilsden you go right at the railway cottages and under the railway. You will need to cross the A1 here. It is a busy and fast road. Caution is needed, especially with younger members. Once across look for the little path slightly right of where you cross. A little way along the path take the right fork and enjoy the small but picturesque Bilsdean waterfall. Back track a little and continue up the rough steps following the John Muir way out towards the Torness Nuclear power station. Follow the field wall. Eventually you swing a left back towards the A1. Caution with the crossing again. Then left up the side road, over the railway line and back towards Bilsdean from the other side.

  • When you get back to the Dunglass estate go left before the bridge, then right down for the southern uplands way. Back towards the Cockburnspath roundabout. Left and the right back under the A1 for a short loop through Cockburnspath before crossing back under the A1 and joining the road back down to Pease Bay.

Standing on the old great north road bridge looking at the railway bridge and the newer A1 road bridge in the distance

The railway bridge and the A1 road bridge crossing the Dunglass burn

Small but beautiful Bilsdean waterfall

Small but beautiful Bilsdean waterfall

View out towards Torness Nuclear Power station

View out towards Torness Nuclear Power station