Below are some products that you may not have used before.

You will find pictures, descriptions and links to where you can buy them.

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Slimfast Advanced Keto Fuel Shake

This is a healthy fat based powder. Very useful for those people who manage there macro’s and include fat in there daily diet or are following a keto diet.

Each serving is:

2 scoops. that is equivalent to 35g

199 calories per serving

Carbs are 4g 8% Fat is 15g 72% and Protein is 10g 20%

Serious Protein from the bulk protein company

Price when last bought

£44.99 for 4KG

To view this product on Amazon click here

Per serving. 30g

Calories 114

Carbs 3.8g 13%

Fat 0.2g 2%

Protein 23.7g 85%