Microwave chocolate protein and rice bowl

I find this an excellent snack after a gym workout to help with recovery, or an afternoon snack between meals, when you feel hungry but don't have the time to prepare a proper meal.

This recipe is made in the microwave in 1 bowl. Quick, easy and healthy.

Calories 524 per serving.

Balance macros,

Carbs 45g 35% Fat 20g 36% protein 37g 29%


Basmati brown rice. Cooked. 120g

2 eggs

PHD Belgian Chocolate Protein Shake 23g (click here for more information on this product)

Slimfast Keto Fuel Shake 1 scoop (17g) (click here for more information on this product)

Alpro Almond Milk Unsweetened 120g

How to make.

***I always have cooked Basmati brown rice in a tub in the fridge. If you don’t. Cook some ready.***

***Microwave based on an ordinary 800 watt unit***

Put the rice in a microwave proof bowl and heat for 2 minuets.

Add the almond milk and the eggs and stir together.

Add the Keto powder and the protein powder and again stir it all together.

Place back in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time giving it a quick stir at the end of each 30 seconds. It usually takes 4 X 30 second cooking’s to cook.

You want it thick, but not solid. It will be very hot.

For a bit more sweetness you can always drizzle a little honey over it after cooking (not allowed for in the macro’s).

Eat and Enjoy.